Preferred Vendors
When it comes to weddings, we know that every detail matters. With over 20 years of experience in the wedding niche, we've developed a list of vendors that we have seen consistently go above and beyond to help deliver the wedding (or other events) of the host's dreams. Below is our list of vendors that we would recommend to anyone in the South Portland, ME, area currently planning a wedding or other large event.
Chris Bennett: https://www.cbennettweddings.com
James Hardman Photography: http://www.jameshardmanphotography.com
Rachel Epperly Film & Photo: https://rachelepperlyfilmphoto.com
Blue Elephant Catering: https://www.blueelephantcatering.com
Fire & Co: https://fireandcompany.com
1812 Farm: https://the1812farm.com
William Allen Farm: https://www.williamallenfarm.com
The Wedding Barns of Maine: https://theweddingbarnsofmaine.com
Olive & Co Events: https://oliveandcoevents.com
Dragonfly Services: https://www.dragonflyweddingcoordinator.com